Deer Boy Sample
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Available languages: English
Publisher: CINE-BOOKS Entertainment Ltd.

Deer Boy

Writers: Katarzyna Gondek
Genre: Fairy Tale, Fantasy, Short story
Type: Film
Length: 15 min
A story about a hunter’s son, who was born with antlers, and about how each man kills the thing he loves.

CINE-BOOKS description:

A multi-award winning short film "Deer Boy" crashes the viewer's conventional perspectives of how powerful wild instincts are from the very first moment. It displays the unusual fusion of deep art house and a simple plot. The hunter's son is born with deer's antlers, the horror dream always comes true when you expect it less than anything.

This short film is a perfect summary of human's tendency to deny your nature, to be contrary to morality, and kill the things you love. One of the peculiarities of that fantasy short film makes it really intriguing. There are no dialogs or voice over, as everything wild has its sound or even silence that speaks volumes instead...

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