
The history of the Halloween (cover)

Halloween nowadays is one the most interesting and cheerful holidays. It is celebrated on the 31st of October, but many activities dedicated to it usually start few days before. Both children and grown-ups take part in this carnival atmosphere. It is very popular in the USA, but in the last couple of years it has become an international holiday. Many shops offer special discounts, while theaters, clubs and restaurants throw special Halloween parties etc.

CINE-BOOKS — read, listen and even watch books! (cover)

It is believed that the age of books is over. This is partly true. The Internet readily provides almost any information you can imagine. You don’t need a dictionary to translate a single word, and there’s no more need to keep a collection of encyclopedias at home. But imaginative literature still stands apart. Entertaining websites, social networks, TV and cinema gave a good thrashing to literature, but the fight is not over yet. Premium book editions with coated paper, beautiful covers, color illustrations, and decorative fonts don’t have any real competition in the digital world. 


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